Online Marketing is steadily rising to become the most preferred form of marketing in the world today. This is mainly because everyone is online nowadays. People are always on their phones and laptops and it is easier and more convenient to search for products, services online and from the comfort of your home or office. Online marketing has become the most convenient way to do business. This convenience is what the real estate agents want to cash in on when it comes to finding buyers or renters for their properties.
In recent times, there has been an influx of real estate companies who have moved from the traditional way of selling homes to promoting and marketing their properties online. Previously, traditional media was the best way to sell houses but with more people being online and seeing the internet as a place to get everything, it has become imperative to create a presence online. The traditional way of selling property was to post advertisements in newspapers. Some went as far as posting notices on any billboard around town. It was, and is still common, to see “2 bedroom house for rent. No agent. Call xxx”. Some of these notices are even placed on the properties that are up for grabs. Apart from these notices, news of rentals are usually done by word of mouth. A friend of a mother of a friend would usually carry the news about a property for rent or sale.
Now times have changed. The internet is now where 90% of people spend their time. The internet has become the most convenient way to get information on anything at all. With the power of the internet, news travels faster. Pictures of properties are now uploaded. Some real estate companies even have virtual tours, where people who are not even in the country, can have a thorough look at the property before deciding if they want it or not. Social media has also played a huge role in selling or renting homes. The constant interaction of Twitter and Facebook means potential buyers can negotiate prices via private messaging etc. These platforms also serve as customer service platforms for any enquiries, etc. Recently, Twitter was used by a real estate agent as a medium to sell a home. The home was advertised online and people were asked to retweet. In 24 hours, a buyer had been found for the property.
Online marketing has truly come to change the game when it comes to selling homes. Word gets out faster and to a wider audience.
Devtraco Plus is one real estate company that has not skimmed on its use of social media and online marketing. Since using digital marketing, sales of homes have increased and more awareness has been created in the digital space. Follow our social media platforms; Twitter (@DevtracoPlus), Facebook (Devtraco Plus) Instagram (Devtracoplus) and LinkedIn (Devtraco Plus) to witness firsthand how easy it is now to find a home.